magnetic separator

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  • #8910
    adriano aguzzi

      We have tried your separating plate and we have found it to be rather slow and ineffective, leading to the loss of many beads during the washes. I have designed a version that will firmly capture all the beads to the side of the wells within <2 minutes. It needs to be loaded with 192 diametrically-magnetized 3x6mm cylindrical magnets. It was printed with a Formlabs printer and hard resin, which is very precise. For FDM printers, the diameter of the holes might have to be increased by 0.2 mm in order to account for thermoplastic expansion. See:

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        I am glad you have found a solution and thank you for sharing it with us.

        I am somewhat surprised, that you experienced such slow bead migration with our plate.

        Did you receive one of the plates that we use from one of my colleagues or did you follow our instructions and build it yourself?

        If you build it yourself, maybe you were unfortunate with the magnets you bought?

        I am personally using a “BOMB 96 ring magnets rack” which I have used for hundreds of samples so far and beads tend to finish migration within seconds. Obviously the small tubes/wells are heavily contributing to the fast migration as beads are physically closer to the magnet.


        Tim M




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